Laundry-Service-vs-Hand-Wash-Cotton Care



Laundry-Service-vs-Hand-Wash-Cotton Care

Although a tedious task, laundry is as significant as preparing a meal for your loved ones - you have to ensure it’s intensively cleaned as an assurance that you do not only wear tidy clothes in public, but prevent yourself from acquiring any illness over average cleaning method.

There’s a persisting debate on which cleaning method provides the best results - hand wash laundry or laundry service provided by cleaning companies. Let’s take a look at the cons and pros of these cleaning processes:

  • Hand washing clothes is considered to be energy efficient as you’ll only be needing a tub, water, and detergent of choice to wash all your clothes.
  • Through hand wash cleaning process, you can take time in cleaning delicate garments and attend to stains with utmost care, making these items have longer life span.
  • Less water and detergent would be required through this method, thus a cost effective alternative in cleaning your clothes.

While some argue that the cost for laundry and dry cleaning service is costly compared to the former method, the laundry and dry cleaning process companies offer these days consists of practices that guarantee that not only stains will be removed, but other organisms that are not visible to the naked eye.

  • Did you know that a sick person’s clothing may contain millions of viruses that can make you sick just by hand washing it? 1 And even if you use hot water to clean these garments on your washing machine, most of the organisms that can cause flu, skin disease, and respiratory illness can still survive.
  • Even if you use tremendous amount of detergent and fabric softener, it can’t actually clean your clothes, instead it becomes an aide in locking up bacteria and odors in your garments which can make your items to have foul odor.
  • While experts suggest that high heat drying of clothes for at least half an hour can kill viruses, the number of items that you put on a single cycle, amount of detergent, and cleaning time can still affect the cleanliness of your clothes.
  • However, through the laundry and dry cleaning services offered by companies, it can minimize the spread of germs and provide necessary cleaning method varying to the condition of your garments.

One of the laundry and dry cleaning companies that take pride in providing quality cleaning service to its clients is Cotton Care. With years of experience, the company has gained expertise and credibility in taking care of garments from residential to commercial areas. At the end of the day, which every cleaning method you deem fit for your lifestyle, you must safeguard that it can protect you all throughout.

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